Thursday 1 October 2015

My streams and Pokémon content I do in them

Hello, long time no see!

You may or may not have been following my streams and may or may not have noticed my twitter post concidering my "non-Pokémon-content streams" and now I want to create a short blogpost about the Pokémon content I produce.

My current work in progress schedule

I really want to continue the showdown tutoring sessions and so on, the format still needs to be truly figured out and I need to have a clear picture in my head how to do these. Still work in progress, but will keep happening! Suggestions are appreciated!

As you may have noticed I am planning to hold WiFi-streams twice a month, mostly because how inconvinient they are to set up for myself. One of those at this point will be with one or more members of @Pokerangers and another one with only me or any PR people who happen to hop into discord at the time. :P

At those there will mostly be wondertrades, battles and such. Maybe even stream giveaways. These are largely at planning phase and we'll see how these pan out!

And then the biggest thing I want to talk about are the Pokémon game playthrough on streams, ROMhacks, nuzlockes, just normal playthroughs... whatever. As I told you guys in one of my previous blogposts, I do not like to play through Pokémon games at all. In my opinion they're badly designed games that are not enjoyable to play through. But people still like to watch others to play through them and my stream playthroughs have so far been only my speedrun practices and so on (at which I've been slacking on. I need to get back to those. I am already super rusty as is.)

I MAY do something like play through a Pokémon game at some point if it seems that people really want me to. I still refuse to do any Nuzlockes and so on, because they're dumb and not fun at all.

I currently am on lookout for a new copy of XY or ORAS, because my own copies currently are in use and I do not want to delete their saves. If I manage to find one cheap, I will be playing through it on stream and then maybe do an stream egglocke or something. So yeah.

What do you guys like about my plans? Do you have any Pokémon related suggestions? I am open for those!

Now, I am back to watching LoL worlds and writing my RGTS analysis for monday!
See you then!


Sunday 27 September 2015

What to do with blog and youtube channel? Wall of text inc!

So yeah, I've been kinda out of this for a while. Mostly because I've just had a tons of things to do and my health to take care of. Also, my microphone broke so no videos either.

Yesterday I found an old headset that sounded passable, so I will be bringing Pokémon content (like the #HoopaCup analysis if people still want those and coverage of other tournaments Pudds puts together I take part in.) I also want to continue doing the RGTS analysis' Probably not on video but here in the blog.

The fate of my youtube channel is actually in kinda limbo right now. I could start a Pokémon Let's Play or something, but you who've known me for a while now know that I actually think that the Pokémon games themselves outside breeding, trading and battling, are not that good of games and I really do not enjoy playing through them.
I also do not like nuzlockes or other such challanges, which either end because of really dumb reason or end up being just massive grindfests.
And those do not change the fact that Pokémon games aren't really that good on story, gameplay mechanics or AI so that's out of question also.

I wouldn't want to start a series about a game I really do not enjoy playing through. I do speedrun Pokémon RBY and B2, but reason for that is that I can get through RBY in ~40 minutes and B2 speedrun takes like 2 hours or so (little bit out of that, haven't done a full B2 run in like a year or so.) But those are mostly streaming material and really do not make a good youtube series.

So currently my Youtube channel hosts mostly just team analysis, my Pokémon Showdown and WiFi-battling streams and all the non-Pokémon (yes, I will be doing that too. Do not whine about it.) content.

Showdown streams are quite simple to set up and do not require much, but people really like the WiFi streams and those are a pain without a capture card. The way I do them is following:

I have a WiFi-camera app on my phone, which I can open on my computer. To get the camera pointing at my 3DS I have to have the phone to lean on some coffee cups with tape and such and smallest nudge makes the whole thing to move out of place. Also, I have to sit really uncomfortably for X amounts of hours the stream goes on.

So yeah, setting up the WiFi -streams is super annoying. Usually they're worth it, but I do not really feel like having to do those too often. Especially because I do need my phone to other things.
The WiFi-streams will still happen though. I try to have them about twice a month or so at weekends and stream like 5-6 hours straight so we get tons of trading, battling and such going on.

The Non-Pokémon content probably do not interest many of you, but I really do not want to create yet another youtube channel for those. Currently I am playing through an old PS2 RPG from the same developer as Persona 3 and Persona 4 and that belongs to the same series (Shin Megami Tensei) of games: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne (or Lucifer's Call here in Europe)

It is a long game and will probably span over multiple streams (and as such, videos) but at least it is content. And the funny thing about youtube is, you do not have to watch it if you do not want to.
Waiting for only Pokémon content? Please, you can only watch that and you can skip the non-Pokémon gaming alltogether! You do not really feel like watching Pokémon showdown teachings or such? You can watch the non-Pokémon content. Everyobody wins!

So yeah. That's the current state of my youtube channel and if you have any suggestions on what I could do with it, please I am open to them!

What comes to this blog, I am planning to keep this purely as a Pokémon blog, which means that I may not update this as often as I should because I really do not follow much Pokémon news, unless the Twitter starts filling with them. I am still planning to try and remember to do the RGTS analysis' of Pokémon I give away (either on my own Twitter account or at @PokeRangers) so if people are wondering what's the thought process behind my dumb movesets  and such.

I will also be covering the new main series Pokémon game as soon as it is released and I will be following the datacrackers' leaks and such when the first copies get to their hands. So THERE WILL BE SPOILERS ABOUT THE NEW GAME WHEN THEY REVEAL AND RELEASE IT IN JAPAN WHENEVER THAT MAY BE.

And as said "whenever that may be" I have no idea when the game is actually revealed, so do not expect the coverage start any time soon. :P

Again, with blog, I am totally open to suggestions and such.

But yeah, that's the state of my current outlets. Hopefully some of you have gotten at least something out of them and even if you haven't, I still keep doing what I want to do.

I do stream super irregularly, but every time I start a stream I'll be posting the link to youtube gaming service to twitter, so keep your eyes peeled. I will also publish every new blogpost to twitter whenever I finish one. RGTS Analysis' may even happen before the actual RGTS itself for sneak peaks!

Let's meet back later, shall we?


Friday 11 September 2015

Zygarde stuffs, Pokémon Z a thing now?

Well, timing-wise it makes sense. Even if GameFreak didn't make "deluxe version" of 5th gen games (but a two totally different games as sequels with B2W2), X and Y still had either their "deluxe version" up and coming (which I will be calling Pokémon Z, for the clarity and stuff) and  Emerald, Platinum, B2W2... all were released within two yeas after the first versions (Yellow and Crystal a year after). So this WILL be little bit late, but there we can blame transistion to 3DS kind of in the middle of everything as taking little bit more time.

Now, it says nowhere that this game will actually happen, even though everything seems to be leading to that. I do not see GF implementing Zygardes formes in ORAS as you can't even catch the original thing there and there is no reason to go and add it to XY either. Moreso, people who have cracked the game codes open would've most likely found out if there were traces of completely new formes (and Zygarde Cells) in either of the game codes ages ago!

So yeah. If we approach this logically, there should be the "third" version of XY coming up in the future. Before 7th gen (which again, release time-wise, makes sense) and probably around the end of 2016 if we can trust GF and Nintendo to do their thing same way they've always done it.

All this blog post is speculation and putting pieces together, I may be totally wrong and for some reason Zygarde stars the 7th gen of games (which would be unheard of for earlier Pokémon to star as a new gen mascot, but not impossible) or that GameFreak just patches in a "Zygarde DLC" in ORAS, as that is a thing that can now happen.

About the formes that were revealed, I've nothing too special to say. Obvious nod towards DBZ is obvious and that's about it.

The Greninja is out for speculation. I do not know why it has Ash's hair, maybe they next time introduce trainer+pokémon fusions, like in Dragon Ball. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

If you want to read about CoroCoro leaks, you should head to Serebii, which will undoubtly keep covering things as they surface. I'll return to this topic when next months CoroCoro comes out and we hopefully get more specific game related stuff revealed.

I can't be hyped just from this, I need more concrete information about things to come so hey, if you are happy and hyped, good for you! But for me, we'll see you next time!


Thursday 10 September 2015

Pokémon Go, please don't get hyped yet.

So yeah, Pokémon Go was revealed and people are hyped and it looks so cool and there are pretty computer graphics on trailer and it seems like what we've all been waiting for.

But hold your horses please. The trailer literally tells us nothing about the game. Pretty much everything it shows are some CG Pokémon that may or may not even appear in game, according to the quick gameplay shots at the end of the trailer, game looks more like a Pokémon tamagotchi / battling simulator hybrid than a AR game.

These are all the real gameplay footage shown in the trailer

Now, I do not doubt that the game actually may be fun and as it will be free to get from GPlay or Appstore you do not lose anything when trying it. I am going to try it (assuming my phone doesn't crash like with every other App I install with my old ass phone), but that's when the game is actually released AND we have some more legit information about it.

Currently we do not know anything about what kinds of microtransactions are in the game? Do you pay for better Pokéballs? Do you pay for a chance of finding better Pokémon? Do you pay for access to those timed events that I assume there will be (the Mewtwo one shown in trailer)? 
How is the gameplay ACTUALLY? Is it a Pokémon battle simulator on phone or is it simpler? More complicated? Does the game actually have any AR functionality at all? What does the pokéball accessory actually do? 

I am sure sites like bulbapedia and Serebii will cover the game thoroughly in upcoming months preceeding the games release, so we will get more information. Game may turn out looking better than expected, it may turn out being another Fallout Shelter, we just do not know yet.

I really do hope this game will be fun, the f2p microtransactions don't turn it to P2Win and that it'll be a fresh breath of air when waiting for the next main series game (about which we should get some more information in couple of times when CoroCoro releases). 
So let's just all be patient and not make too many hyped predictions that blur our vision!



Saturday 5 September 2015

Shoutouts to people! My first month in Pokémon GA Twitter community

So, I've been a part of this community for a month and 7 days now. Time has pretty much just flown by and I just wanted to make this quick blogpost to give some shout outs to people that have made my decision to join in a real special and fun experience!

First of all, people of @TheHeavySquad whose #HoopaCup pretty much caused me to even think about creating a new account and start looking into this community more. (And people from my main account started to get grumpy from all the Pokémon GA / RGTS RT's I made.)

The Cup has been super fun to follow (and cover!) even though I dropped out early, can't wait to participate in the tournaments that are still up and coming at some point afterwards!

I especially have to shout out @pokepudding I've had the pleasure of chat with him about VGC and Pokémon pretty much more than any other member of the community yet. He is a super cool dude and deserves a follow! (and when we finally get our VGC going on with both our teams finished, I'm so going to kick your arse!) His "morning"(which are more like... late afternoon for me?) tweets are also kind of amazing, the lack of exploding whales lately though is kind of disturbing. It is like.. they're just waiting to ambush us again.. soon..?

Of course I have to mention @PokeRangers, group I've became a part of and, apart one incident involving horses, been feeling really welcome to! People are super nice and, even though I am still little bit outisder being so new and not knowing them for that long, feel like I can pop up in a group chat and start annoying the young'uns there. ;)

So yeah, here's for the first month. Day after tomorrow will be my birthday, I'll turn into an oldER and more decrepit man and then I'll raise my shot glass for the months to come in this community!

The next blog post will be another RGTS analysis for the RGTS I'm holding in PokeRangers' account this monday, so look forward to it.

See ya next time!


Friday 28 August 2015

RGTS Analysis: Metronome Chatot

Time for my new RGTS is here and as I forgot to cover my last one (Chesnaught & Arcanine) I'll cover this one!

Why I chose this set for Chatot was mostly just because it is silly yet can still work. Choice Specs are objectively better by mile and I'll go over why that is, later on.

So the set itself is quite simple. It revolves around having a substitute up and then spamming Echoed Voice, which boosts its power by 40 every time it is used, up to  200 Basepower after 5 turns and with Metronome as held item it boosts it even further by boosting its power by 20% every time a move is used without changing it, up to 100% (2x Power)

So after 5 turns Echoed Voice has Base Power of 400, with STAB. That is a lot.
Now, the weakness of this set comes from time. It is fairly unlikely that you're able to get to that point, even with substitute being up. When we compare choice specs to this, we get a table, something like:

turn 1 - 40 (60 w/ STAB)
turn 2 -80 (120 w/ STAB) (144 w/ STAB + metronome)
turn 3 - 120 (180 w/ STAB) (252 w/ STAB + metronome)
turn 4 - 160 (240 w/ STAB) (288 w/ STAB + metronome)
turn 5 - 200 (300 w/ STAB) (360 w/ STAB + metronome)
turn 6 - 200 (300 w/ STAB) (400 w/ STAB + metronome)

Now, if we look at Choice Specs, that just gives a flat out 50% boost at the start:

turn 1 - 40 (60 w/ STAB)
turn 2 -80 (120 w/ STAB) (180 w/ STAB + CS)
turn 3 - 120 (180 w/ STAB) (270 w/ STAB + CS)
turn 4 - 160 (240 w/ STAB) (360 w/ STAB + CS)
turn 5 - 200 (300 w/ STAB) (450 w/ STAB + CS)
turn 6 - 200 (300 w/ STAB) 

As you can see, CS keeps ahead until turn 5 or so. Now, I may have made some calculation mistakes but I am fairly sure that just pure damage output by CS is larger than with metronome. The good thing about this set compared to CS set is that you can switch out moves and use stuff like substitute and Nasty Plot (or Roost if you want to replace NP with that!) and have Heat Wave for coverage. 

The largest problem of this set is that Chatot is fairly frail Pokémon and just raw out damage of Boomburst is usually better way to go, but again. This set is made for fun. It is battle ready and can catch people off guard in switches and such. Even Heat Wave can pack quite a punch if used multiple times in row because of the metronome. 

Nasty Plot is there for SubScouting. You can substitute and check if opponent switches to ghost type before using an offensive moving and boosting your damage potential with Nasty Plot, then you can react to switchin with Heat Wave if need be.

Another problem with this set, compared to classic CS set is that instead of Boomburst and coverage moves like HP Ice, you are relying on fairly low damage at first. So you actually may want to run this birb in a doubles team where you can protect it with mat blocks, follow mes or wide guards. That can give you the edge of just spamming your moves and destroying your opponents!

Here is the RGTS Analysis for Metronome Chatot, hope you enjoy using your Pokémon! ♥

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Greetings PokéRangers HQ

So yeah, me and Lewis have been planning this for a while and I said that I think about joining a larger GA account after I've finished my first own GA to check out how hectic and time consuming this can be.

I've now finished the giveaway and about three or four random RGTS's around there and decided to commit to this and join your ranks.

This means I'll need to introduce myself somehow. Lewis has brought me to speed with you guys most part and I already am acquainted with Pudding which helps me to fit in!

So yeah, my name is Kim and for years I've been going around Internet with just my name as my handle, so no fancy screen names for me. Never had the imagination to figure out one that I would like to use. I am 25 (or turn so in september 7th) years old and I've been playing Pokémon for pretty much as long as it has been a thing. (more about that in my first post in this blog so I won't be going through that again in this.)

I joined the RGTS/GA community quite recently. I haven't been taking part in these things for even a month and the way I really GOT into the community was SavageSquad hosted #HoopaCup which I've helped to cover on my youtube account.

 I really do not have a favourite Pokémon or game or anything as I find it overrated to box those things in as human mind changes so often. Things we liked as kids may have changed when we got older and thus I've never really picked any favourites.
Which also means I really do not have a mascot Pokémon or so. Never really put any thought in that.

I enjoy board games, TCG's, P&P RPGs and video games, I also adore baking and cooking and traveling and traumatizing people with finnish cuisine.

I am bad at writing these kinds of things, do not really like talking about myself.

I do not like it when people refuse my invitation to go to sauna, use nostalgia as a "valid" reason to tell that something is good and insects, which I am afraid to death.

If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask me! ~~
